Mental Health Awareness Month
Good evening everyone,
If you are reading this, that means you clicked on something right!
Today is May 31st, 2018. This last day concludes Mental Health Awareness Month. I chose to post this article on the last day of the month because, during May, Mental Health America, its affiliates, and other organizations conduct activities based on a different theme each year.
The theme of this year is fitness, #4mind4body. It focuses on what we as individuals can do to be fit for our mind, body, and futures - no matter where we happen to be on our journey.
So, everyone reading this – What are Y O U doing to better focus on your mind, body & soul?
Before I go on,
What is mental health?
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.
When things such as stress, relationships, hard days at work & so on disrupt our mental health, severe conditions can arise.
What is mental illness?
Mental illness is a disease that causes mild to severe disturbances in thought and behavior, resulting in an inability to cope with life's ordinary demands and routines. Some of the more common disorders are depression, bipolar disorder, dementia, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders. (thank you
As the years have gone by, and I have grown as a person, I have come across many obstacles- some easy to overcome, and some that felt as if life just was not in my favor.
I have had moments of giving up, losing control and the more than occasional breakdowns that left me unhealthy, overwhelmed & unhappy.
I quickly realized what I was doing to myself and made a change.
I made a change because I was not afraid to speak out about an issue I was dealing with.
I am so blessed to have people around me that I am able to talk to, places I can go to relieve some stress but most importantly, I have my health.
For some, I know 'better days will come' seems to be unrealistic.
Expressing your feelings is such a scary thing. It puts you in such a vulnerable state that it actually can make you feel uncomfortable. I used to think that telling people how I felt, meant nothing. The usual. 'My issue isn't T H A T important.' or the 'What if they think I'm weird for feeling this way?'
I want to say this:
N O feeling is ever too small, or ever too big.
N O obstacle you face,
N O stress you may feel
will ever be an issue that can not be resolved.
Always look for ways to distress and expand your self-care. Never be ashamed to express your feelings. Go for long walks, write a journal, find a hobby that makes you happy.
Below is a list of things you can do to resolve your mental health:
Just because it is the end of Mental Health Awareness Month does not mean it is the end of raising awareness. The fight to #endthestigma is just beginning.
If someone you know is or may be struggling with their mental health, reach out & check in! A simple text wishing them well is all it takes. Most of the time, we aren't alone as we feel.
& for everyone reading this - you always have a friend in me.
Until next time,
xx Krystle